Pregnancy Prep

I have always loved reading about history, trying to understand what it was like to live hundreds of years ago. Having experienced the Colloseum in Rome, the Sistine Chapel in Paris, and climbed the pyramid that is Chichen Itza further spurred my curiosity for history. Scientists and archaeologists continue to study and be amazed by these marvels of ancient engineering. You can imagine my delight when I came across a book that highlighted how ancient cultures used food to care for their bodies, and the prized nutrients that mothers-to-be focused on. These ancient cultures prized foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A,D,E, and K), and bone building minerals like broth, marrow, and sauerkraut. From experience, these cultures knew how certain foods produced healthy offspring so as to ensure the survival of their tribe! They were masters of genetic engineering.
My Pregnancy Prep program is all about preparing your body to produce the healthiest offspring. What you eat during pregnancy not only affects the development of your child but can have a profound influence on their long term health, as well as the health of their offspring! Think of your body as a garden, it’s built to grow something but the more attention to detail you give it, the better the harvest! And in order to harvest an abundant, healthy crop you have to prepare the soil first. Sometimes this means you have to “detox the soil” by removing the weeds, then test the soil to make sure the balance of bacteria and nutrients is ripe for planting. The seeds you plant must be healthy and strong as well. It can take a while to prepare the garden but the bountiful harvest you gain in return is worth all the prep work.
Below you will find a basic outline of what I offer in this program. Your program is highly customized and built to meet your health goals! While participating in one of my programs, you have access to me 24/7. I mean it when I say “I am here for you.”
Nine Month Program
FIVE consultations +
ONE bonus session +
NINE 30-minute support calls
All three functional tests included – Dutch Cycle Map Plus, GI Map stool test, and Comprehensive Blood Panel
All sessions can be done in-person or via phone/video-conferencing.
* all consultations must be used within NINE months from date of purchase
** payment plans available
Session #1: 90-minute initial consultation
- Includes review of health history, and discussion of symptom survey and food journal results
- Establish priority of health needs – client specific.
- Fertility superfoods
- Establish Goals + Action Steps
- Real Food eating plan
Session #2: 45-minute consultation
- Connection between digestion, gut health and fertility
- Functional evaluation (in person consults) – assessing your digestive ability
- Supplements for digestion + prenatal
- Food Journal Review
- Action Steps
Session #3: 45-minute consultation
- Fats for Fertility – Busting through fat phobia
- Why cholesterol is necessary for fertility.
- Functional evaluation – how well does your body handle fats
- Supplement protocol review
- Food Journal Review
- Action Steps
Session #4: 45-minute consultation
- Blood sugar balance and it’s connection to fertility
- Optimal blood sugar values + how to measure yours
- Functional evaluation – how well does your body balance blood sugar
- Supplement protocol review
- Next Steps!
Payment Plan
9 payments of $380/mo
- One 60-90 minute initial consultation
- Five 45-60 minute follow up consultations
- Nine 30-minute support calls (one/month)
- Personalized Gut Healing protocol
- Personalized Hormone Healing protocol
- Functional evaluation of blood chemistry to optimize levels.
- Printable PDFs, guides to support:
- Cycle tracking
- Preparing toxin free environment for you and baby.
- Babies first foods and more!
- Meal plans + recipe collections focused on fertility.
- 20% off my supplement dispensary, for life!
- Unlimited instant messaging in your private online client portal
Pay in Full
- One 60-90 minute initial consultation
- Five 45-60 minute follow up consultations
- Nine 30-minute support calls (one/month)
- Personalized Gut Healing protocol
- Personalized Hormone Healing protocol
- Functional evaluation of blood chemistry to optimize levels.
- Printable PDFs, guides to support:
- Cycle tracking
- Preparing toxin free environment for you and baby
- Babies first foods and more!
- Meal plans + recipe collections focused on fertility.
- 20% off my supplement dispensary, for life!
- Unlimited instant messaging in your private online client portal